Finding the Front Podcast
Finding the Front showcases Euroz Hartleys deep connection with the companies that call Perth their home. This is a podcast series where we take the time out to get to know the story behind the people who “front” some of Western Australia’s leading companies. We look back at some of the moments in their life and career that shape their journey to being the leader they are today and provide you with some real insights into the way they think and approach things, both in business and in life.
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Episode 13: Dr Liz Dallimore, CEO of Argenica Therapeutics
Episode 12: David Southam, Managing Director of Mincor Resources
Episode 11: Bill Beament, Managing Director of Develop Global
Episode 10: Dr Peter Molloy, Founder & Executive Chairman of Firebrick Pharma
Episode 9: Chris Reed, Managing Director & CEO of Neometals
Episode 8: Ken Brinsden, Managing Director & CEO of Pilbara Minerals
Episode 7: Ian Wells, CFO of Fortescue Metals Group
Episode 6: Ben Macnamara, CEO of CBH Group
Episode 5: Raleigh Finlayson, Managing Director of Genesis Minerals Limited
Episode 4: Tim Levy, Managing Director of Family Zone
Episode 3: Paul House, CEO of Imdex
Episode 2: Richard Hyde the Founder, CEO & Executive Chairman, West African Resources
Episode 1: David Macgeorge Managing Director, SRG Global