Highly rated research from our team of resources and industrials analysts through detailed fundamental analysis and extensive on-the-ground presence.
Quality equities research is the foundation of our business
We are specialists in resources, energy, mining services, industrial, property, biotech and technology companies, providing detailed, formal research coverage on over 125 ASX listed companies.
Based on fundamental analysis, strict financial modelling and regular company contact, we seek to identify and maximise equity investment opportunities for our clients through our intimate knowledge of the companies we cover. We deliver both formal and informal coverage that comprises a broad cross section of primarily Western Australian based industrial & resource companies.
Local knowledge
Our Western Australian base provides our analysts with on-the-ground insight into the companies and sectors they cover. It plays a significant role in obtaining a greater understanding of the local political and economic environments in which the companies operate.
We identify excellent management, business models and/or assets that, through our support, realise intrinsic value via execution of key milestones.
Research products
Company Reports
Detailed analysis on companies in response to market sensitive announcements or as market opportunities present
Sector Pieces
Macro events or changes in outlook prompting review of existing relevant coverage and non-coverage universe
Morning Note
Overnight market updates
Sharks & Minnows
Daily snapshot of notable macro or company specific events or announcements affecting the broader sectors within our core focus areas of the market
Weekly Informer
Compilation of all published company reports throughout the preceding week plus sectorial comparison tables and leading indicators
Resources & Industrials Compendiums
Full research update of the entire formal coverage universe in a book format as well as updated sectorial comparison tables and leading indicators
Finding the Front
‘Finding the Front’ is presented to you by Euroz Hartleys to showcase our deep connection with the companies and leading business executives across Australia. This is a podcast series where we take the time out to get to know the story behind the people who “front” some of Western Australia’s leading companies.