Westoz Funds Management
Westoz Funds Management (WFM) is the manager of an unlisted investment company, Westoz Resources Fund Limited (WRFL).
Finding the Best in the West
Westoz Funds Management (WFM) is a 100% owned subsidiary in the Euroz Hartleys Group Limited.
WFM was established in 2005 and has managed portfolios of mainly ASX listed securities since this time. Its area of focus is on opportunities in small to mid cap securities that are identified out of its base of operations in Perth, Western Australia.
WFM currently manages the portfolio on behalf of the unlisted investment company, Westoz Resources Fund Limited.
For further information on Westoz Funds Management and the Westoz Resources Fund please click here
Finding the Front
‘Finding the Front’ is presented to you by Euroz Hartleys to showcase our deep connection with the companies and leading business executives across Australia. This is a podcast series where we take the time out to get to know the story behind the people who “front” some of Western Australia’s leading companies.