Anthony Brittain

Anthony is the Chief Operating and Financial Officer and an Executive Director of Euroz Hartleys Limited and is a former board member of Euroz Hartleys Group Limited. Prior to joining Euroz Hartleys, he spent 7 years with IWL Limited (and antecedent firms Hartley Poynton, Hartleys and JDV Limited).
His career started with KPMG (and antecedent firm Touche Ross) and then worked in London and Singapore for 7 years with a UK fund manager, Newton Investment Management during which it was acquired by BNY Mellon.
Anthony holds a Bachelor of Commerce from UWA, is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA), holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA, was formerly a Certified information System Auditor, is a Graduate of AICD and is an individual member (MSIAA) of SIAA.
Anthony is a member of the Audit and Risk, Compliance and Underwriting Committees of Euroz Hartleys. Anthony is a member of the Profession Committee and the Professional Conduct Tribunal of the Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (SIAA). Anthony is also a panel member of the Markets Disciplinary Panel (MDP) of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and a member of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Business Committee.