Rottnest Island Institutional Investor Conference 2020
Euroz Securities would like to thank all participants who attended our 20th Annual Rottnest Island Institutional Investor Conference. It was another exciting and successful year held at Discovery Rottnest Island, 45 Institutional clients attending and 45 companies presenting over the two and a half days.
Austal, AFG Australian Finance Group, Australis Oil & Gas Ltd, Calidus Resources Limited, Carnarvon Petroleum Ltd, CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED, Civmec Construction & Engineering, Cooper Energy, Discovery Parks Group, Duratec Australia, Emerald Resources NL, Empired Ltd, EHR Resources, Finbar Group Limited, Fleetwood Corporation Limited, Genex Power, IGO Ltd, Image Resources, Imdex Limited, Legend Mining Ltd, Macmahon, Mincor Resources NL, MMA Offshore Limited, Neometals Ltd, Northern Star Resources Limited, NRW Holdings, Omni Bridgeway, Orecorp, Otto Energy Ltd, Pacifico Minerals Ltd, Peet Limited, Peninsula Energy, Persus Mining, Primero Group Ltd, Primewest, Salt Lake Potash Ltd, Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited, Silver Lake, Southern Cross Electrical Engineering (SCEE), SRG Global, Strike Energy, Tietto Minerals, VEEM Ltd, West African Resources Limited and Western Areas Ltd